No próximo dia 09/04, às 13h CET, será realizada a 8ª edição do NIBES Research Workshop. Organizada pela ESC Clermont Business School, de Clermont-Ferrand, na França, esta sessão terá como tema Managing Sustainable Organizations under Planetary Boundaries.
O encontro, dividido em dois blocos de apresentação com especialistas diversos, será conduzido por Marc Lecoutre, NIBES Research Cooperation Coordinator, e Yves Rannou, Head of Research Projects. O workshop faz parte das ações promovidas pela NIBES - Network of International Business and Economics Schools.
Para participar, os interessados devem acessar a sala do Workshop no Aplicativo Teams, utilizando os seguintes dados para acessar a sala:
Link da Sala: Clique aqui
Meeting ID: 324 096 051 46
Passcode: 8322oE
*Horário de Brasília
08:00 08:10 | Marc Lecoutre, NIBES Research Cooperation Coordinator, ESC Clermont Business School, Clermont-Ferrand, France Yves Rannou, Head of Research Projects ESC Clermont Business School, Clermont-Ferrand, France | Welcome |
08:10 08:25 | Søren Askegaard University of Southern Denmark | Post-Anthropocentric Climate Action (PACA): Emerging Streams of Research |
08:25 08:40 | Racheal Adedokun, Peter Strachan Robert Gordon University | Making the net zero transition: is it a case of the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era? |
08:40 08:55 | Viktoriya Onegina ESC Clermont Business School & CleRMa | Economic development and total entrepreneurship activity: possible effects of ecological regulations |
08:55 | Vakhtang Partsvaniya Caucasus University | How Corporate Culture Contributes to Decarbonization in the Transport Sector: A Case Study of Scania |
09:10 09:25 | James Cunningham Robert Gordon University | Managing organisational growth within localised expectations of sustainability: frustrations and controversies from rural Scotland |
09:25 09:40 | Roya Tat ESC Clermont Business School & CleRMa | Optimizing a reverse supply chain by considering the quality of returned products under min-max remanufacturing capacity |
09:40 09:55 | Edmundo Lizarzaburu Bolaños Universidad Esan Kurt Burneo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Conrado Diego García-Gómez University of Valladolid | Corporate social responsibility, social impact, and market return: a case study in an emerging market’s oil industry |
09:55 | Brice Foulon University Clermont Auvergne & CleRMa | Environmental Performance and Financial Resilience to the Covid-19 Crisis: International Evidence |
10:10 10:30 | Session wrap-up | Yves Rannou, Head of Research Projects ESC Clermont Business School, Clermont-Ferrand, France Marc Lecoutre, NIBES Research Cooperation Coordinator, ESC Clermont Business School, Clermont-Ferrand, France |