High level team
FGV EBAPE has an excellent team of faculty and staff committed to offering students an outstanding learning experience.
The faculty of FGV EBAPE is made up of doctors trained by the best teaching institutions in Brazil and the world, such as Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Princeton, Oxford, London School of Economics, FGV, Instituto Tecnológico da Aeronáutica ( ITA), and Military Institute of Engineering (IME), among others.
With important performance in their areas of knowledge, professors develop research conducted with conceptual and methodological rigor, which contribute to innovation in Administration and are disseminated in important national and international journals and congresses.
With important performance in their areas of knowledge, professors develop research conducted with conceptual and methodological rigor, which contribute to innovation in Administration and are disseminated in important national and international journals and congresses.
The other collaborators work on the most diverse fronts of the School, supporting the daily lives of the students and increasing, even more, the quality of the academic experience and the chances of insertion in the job market.
Professores colaboradores
FGV EBAPE encourages the student's continuous development and supports their insertion in the academic market after completing the master's. In this sense, graduates are assisted in the search for internationally renowned PhD, having the opportunity to participate in world fairs for hiring professors.
The following list shows some positions held by the program’s alumni
- Ana Christina Celano Teixeira – Professor at IBMEC.
- Daniella Munhoz da Costa Lima – Postdoctoral at PPGA/Unigranrio and works as a professor in undergraduate and graduate programs in marketing, logistics, people management, and service management.
- Leonardo Ciuffo Faver – Secretary of Agriculture of the Municipality of Petrópolis.
- Leonardo Vasconcelos Cavalier Darbilly – Adjunct Professor at the Department of Administration and Tourism at the Multidisciplinary Institute of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and Professor of the Academic Master's Program in Administration at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ).
- Leonel Gois de Oliveira – Head of Internal Control at the Court of Justice of Ceará.
- Márcio Moutinho Abdalla – Professor at the Fluminense Federal University.
- André de Souza Coelho Gonçalves de Andrade – Works at the Regional Labor Court (TRT, RJ);
- Carlyle Tadeu Falcão de Oliveira – Visiting professor-tutor at FGV Online (Distance education program).
- Daniel Kamlot – Professor at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing do Rio (ESPM-RJ).
- Edson Gonçalves Lopes – Colonel of the Brazilian Army.
- Francisco Carlos Loureiro Cioci – Works at the Federal Court of Accounts.
- Gustavo de Oliveira Almeida – Professor at the Fundação Getulio Vargas and works on the Ministry of Finance’s Institutional Modernization Project on the Risk and Information Security Front of the Ministry of Finance.
- Oscar Lewandowski – Professor at the Administration and Accounting Program at the Serra dos Órgãos University Center (Unifeso).
- Priscila Pereira Fernandes: Unicarioca – Professor
- Tânia M. O. de Almeida Gouveia – Professor of the Graduate Program in Marketing at Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) and Consultant for Ibope Intelligence.
- Tiago Luiz Cabral Peroba – Works at BNDES.
- Ana Luísa Vieira de Azevedo – Professor at Unicarioca.
- Ana Paula Borges Gonçalves – Coordinator of the Undergraduate Program in Social Communication at Estácio de Sá University (Unesa).
- Antonio Roberto Coêlho Serra (DINTER) – Coordinator of the Center of Technologies for Education at the State University of Maranhão (Uema).
- Gilson Martins Mendonça (DINTER) -– Professor at the State University of Maranhão (Uema),
- Gustavo Pereira da Costa (DINTER) – Works at the Maranhão Court of Auditors.
- Ilmar Polary (DINTER) – Professor at the State University of Maranhão (Uema).
- Irlana Regina Moraes Novais (DINTER) – Director of the Administration Program at the State University of Maranhão (Uema).
- João Augusto Ramos e Silva (DINTER) – Coordinator of the Distance Administration Program at the State University of Maranhão (Uema).
- José Samuel de Miranda Melo Júnior (DINTER) – Professor at Ceuma – Higher Education Association.
- Leandro Souza Moura - Adjunct Professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Uerj).
- Marco Aurélio de Sá Ribeiro – Professor at the IBMEC Educacional S.A.
- Reinaldo Costa de Almeida Rêgo – Professor at the Meira Mattos Institute and at the Army Command and General Staff School – IMM/Eceme.
- Rosangela Vianna Alves da Silva – Professor at the Carioca Higher Education Association.
- Vera Lucia Bezerra Santos (DINTER) – Works at the local government of São Luis, capital of the Brazilian State of Maranhão.
- Viviane Narducci Ferraz – Works at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) Foundation.
FGV EBAPE’s Alumni Network offers a channel so students can suggest activities, share experiences, and disseminate projects and other initiatives.