Offered Courses
Mandatory course | 30 |
Mandatory course | 30 |
Mandatory course | 30 |
Mandatory course | 30 |
Elective course | 30 |
Elective course | 30 |
Professional intervention/guidance | 30 |
Elective course | 30 |
Elective course | 30 |
Elective course | 30 |
Elective course | 30 |
Elective course | 30 |
Project | 45 |
Dissertation elaboration | - |
Dissertation defense | 90 |
Courses and Syllabus
Government, State, and Society
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration / Public Policies
Analysis of the formation of the national state and the relations between the government and main political actors. Characterization of the structure and functioning of the political representation system, and the power relations between different social actors. Formation of the national state: problems of federalism. Institutional structure and representation of interests: coalitional presidentialism, electoral system, and political parties. Actors and political dynamics: urban workers and unionism, industrial entrepreneurship and class associations, military, bureaucracy, peasantry, social movements, and nonprofits.
Research Methodology
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration / Public Policies
Information sources for management research; importance of scientific research; purposes of management research; human research and science; research purpose; knowledge claims; research strategies; script of a research project; the process of writing; traditional scientific model; theories and paradigms; quantitative x qualitative research; the nature of causality; critical reasoning; conceptualization and measurement; operationalization; reliability and validity; generalization and triangulation; measurement scales; construction of scales; time dimension of investigations; measurements; quantitative methods in administration research; generalization and triangulation; questionnaire construction; surveys and interviews; indexes and scales; non-obtrusive investigation; qualitative methods in research; case study; grounded theory and qualitative data analysis.
Public Policies
Research Line:
Public Policies
Examine political processes in a comparative perspective to understand the government and public policies challenges and solutions. The course examines the microfoundations of political and bureaucratic behavior, the determinants of public policy, and the current and looming institutional and structural challenges that are transforming what the state does and how it does it. Political cycle: from the definition of the political agenda, formulation, adoption, implementation, inspection and reform of public policies. A mixture of theory and empirical examples from different countries is used to elucidate public policies in different spheres. Key concepts in the political process include deliberation and policy formulation, competition, coordination, cooperation and collective action, discretion, delegation, quantification and evaluation, transition costs, and informational asymmetries.
Public Administration Theories
Research line:
Governance and Public Administration
Public Administration: demarcating a new field of knowledge/practice. Organizational theories and public administration theories. Themes and debates in the field: politics and administration/bureaucracy, efficiency and democracy/public policies and policy analysis/comparative public administration/normativism/managerialism. Public administration theories and administrative reforms. Dilemmas of contemporary public administration: public-private relations from the perspective of governance. New forms of provision and management of public services: direct or delegated delivery; privatization, publicization, deregulation, and outsourcing. Social organizations, OSCIPs, OMPS, autonomous social services. Management contracts. Public-private partnerships (PPPs). Executive agencies. Regulatory agencies. Regulation.
Administration and Development
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
The context of development: the rupture of traditional administration and adoption of unusual approaches. The great currents of thought: institutional development and administrative efficiency as causes or consequences of development. Globalization and the new public governance. Stages of development: possibilities, limits, and the transferability of administrative knowledge. Development of new skills and abilities: themes and administrative instruments (strategic decision-making, leadership, performance) considering diversity and interculturality.
Good Governance and Transparency
Research Line:
Public Policies
This course aims to theoretically and empirically understand “good governance” in the public sector, and it is conducted in two modules. The first deals with transparency and accountability from a comparative perspective, and the second analyzes corruption, mainly in the Brazilian context. The modules are united in the concern to identify good and bad practices (mainly in the executive branch) and in the goal of understanding what “good governance” is, how to measure it, and how to achieve it.
Financial Accounting in the Public Sector
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
Differences between the current accounting policies required in Brazil and those that Brazilian public entities were used and prepared to adopt in the past. The process of converging Brazilian norms to those of IPSASs and the implementation of IPSASs conducted by the various Brazilian states and municipalities. The accounting requirements of Law 4.320/64. Accounting requirements of IPSASs (original). “Advanced” aspects of the (original) IPSASs. The accounting requirements of the National Treasury Secretary. Study of other legal aspects that may influence the choice of accounting policies. Cost-effectiveness of accounting information. Use of accounting information as a guide and legitimizer of public policies.
Political Economy in Latin America
Research Line:
Public Policies
The history of Latin America is marked by alternating periods of economic exuberance and crisis, which affect and are affected by domestic political decisions. The course explores the interaction between political and economic factors, both national and international, to examine the trajectory of Latin American development. Theoretical literature and case studies will be used to analyze the origins and impact of the development models adopted in the region and to explain patterns of temporal and intra-regional variation. The course studies the functioning of Latin American democracies between the end of the Second World War and the succession of military coups that occurred in almost the entire region. Lessons will focus on the relationship between economic performance and governments regime and analyze the many explanations for the emergence of repressive regimes in the 1960s and 1970s. Students will debate the literature on re-democratization and economic reform processes in most of South America in the 1980s and 1990s, discussing who won and who lost from the reforms. The course will approach how prospects for democratic consolidation are affected by changes in the development strategy different countries have adopted. Finally, the lessons will analyze the region’s conventional denominations of post-neoliberal governments and compare them with leftist, statist, and market strategies.
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Sustainability
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
New technologies, new possibilities, new behaviors, new business models, new needs, new challenges. Conceptual and analytical instruments: understanding the science of complexity and managerial implications; using the concept of public goods as a reference for effectiveness in the public sector; searching for innovative and creative solutions; serving stakeholders effectively; the innovation process and the role of the government. Sustainability: balancing strength and weakness; cooperation and competition; diversity and standardization; protection and destruction; industry and community; and inclusion and division.
Teaching Strategies
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
The evolution and relevance of the field of administration. Education, teaching, and learning. Education in Brazil. Planning and simulating the teaching function. The course aims to prepare students to teach. Students are led to identify and experience teaching methods and techniques used in the field of administration and reflect on educational policies to promote social equity
Structure and Processes in Public Organizations
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
The different natures of public and non-profit organizations. The multiple organizational structures: definition, complexity, formalization, size. New organizational forms. Reflections of structure in life and organizational arrangements. Organizational processes: design and redesign of information flows.
Public Finance
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration / Public Policy
The course aims to present public finance concepts to understand the role of the public sector in the economy and its consequences in public policies. The course brings the theoretical debate to a modern perspective, contextualizing it with the Brazilian economic situation and the state’s performance.
Strategic Management of Public Investment
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
The course aims to present public finance concepts to understand the role of the public sector in the economy and its consequences in public policies. The course brings the theoretical debate to a modern perspective, contextualizing it with the Brazilian economic situation and the state’s performance.
Strategic Management of Public Investment
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
The course aims to present public finance concepts to understand the role of the public sector in the economy and its consequences in public policies. The course brings the theoretical debate to a modern perspective, contextualizing it with the Brazilian economic situation and the state’s performance.
Strategic Management of Public Investment
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
The course aims to present public finance concepts to understand the role of the public sector in the economy and its consequences in public policies. The course brings the theoretical debate to a modern perspective, contextualizing it with the Brazilian economic situation and the state’s performance.
Strategic Management of Public Investment
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
The course aims to present public finance concepts to understand the role of the public sector in the economy and its consequences in public policies. The course brings the theoretical debate to a modern perspective, contextualizing it with the Brazilian economic situation and the state’s performance.
Collaborative Governance
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
Contemporary governance and governance networks: definitions, types, forms, distinct characteristics, dynamics. Modeling of governance networks: initiation, implementation, consolidation, monitoring and evaluation. Management of interorganizational networks: strategy, structure, processes, people, technologies, financing, interaction management (animation), M&A, communication. Partnership management: roles, models, instruments, positioning, requirements.
Results-Based Governance
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
Contemporary governance and results-based management. Current results-based management approaches. Building the strategy: scenario and environmental analysis; stakeholders; definition of purpose, results and initiatives; performance indicators. Strategy implementation: developments; contracting, alignment of structure, processes, people, technology, and budget. Monitoring and evaluating the strategy: M&E systematics, dissemination and appropriation, learning, transparency, accountability.
Results-Based Governance
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
Contemporary governance and results-based management. Current results-based management approaches. Building the strategy: scenario and environmental analysis; stakeholders; definition of purpose, results and initiatives; performance indicators. Strategy implementation: developments; contracting, alignment of structure, processes, people, technology, and budget. Monitoring and evaluating the strategy: M&E systematics, dissemination and appropriation, learning, transparency, accountability.
Laboratory of Administration and Public Policies
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration / Public Policy
The course will be divided into two parts: one focused on public administration and governance and the other related to the public policy process in the Brazilian context. The course seek to bring participants closer to innovative public organizations and programs.
The first part of the course presents, debates, and analyzes contemporary issues of public administration and governance, studying real cases of innovation adopted at the three levels of the Brazilian government and in the international context. Other topics discussed are strategies for making public management more flexible, results-based management and evaluation, contemporary forms of control, other managerial innovations, and public-private partnerships.
Cases of formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of public policies and programs will be discussed and analyzed in the second part of the course. The priority areas are social policies, technological innovation, public finance, security and citizenship, following the course’s educational guidelines.
Quantitative Methods
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration / Public Policy
Quantitative Methods Applied to Decision-Making in the Public Sector
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration / Public Policy
This course aims to enable students to identify and apply appropriate statistical tools to achieve the objectives of scientific research. The course emphasizes the connection between the research question and the statistical modeling process. Its scope includes statistical inference techniques applicable to quantitative and qualitative variables. In addition to having contact with the theoretical development of techniques, students will be involved in practical applications using spreadsheets (Excel), statistical software (SPSS), and databases.
Budget in the public sector
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration / Public Policy
The new budgeting parameters and planning and control functions in the public sector. The budget’s multifaceted nature; the economic and political dimensions of budget choices. The budget cycle as a sequence of decisions taken in an institutional and organizational context. The pursuit of innovation and international experience. The budget and the reduction of the randomness of organizational management. Quality of spending: attributes of the budgeting process and levers for transformation.
Organizations, Diversity, and Labor Relations
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
How the heterogeneity of the workforce impacts the environment and labor relations. Diversity policies on gender, ethnicities, disabilities, and sexual orientations. Multiple identities and career management. New configurations of labor relations. Leadership and management development. Pleasure and pain at work. Meanings of work. Pleasure and achievement at work. Suffering at work. Work, management, and subjectivity. People management, Labor relations and organizational behavior.
Partnerships between the State and Nonprofit Organizations
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
Differentiating management and governance. The historical view of the firm and the emergence of contemporary organizations. Ownership, management, and control. Market, organizations, and hierarchical structures. Contracting and agency problems. Origin of organizational governance problems. Governance structures. Governance characteristics of public organizations. State design and governance structures. Governance issues in Brazilian state organizations. The role of boards. The nonprofit sector in Brazil. Governance in nonprofit organizations. The problem of participation and representativeness in governance. Developing governance systems and guidelines. External and internal control systems. Theoretical models associated with governance.
Planning of Public Organizations
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
Strategic reflection: mission, values, and alternative visions; strategic reformulation tools: strategic dialogue, environmental and organizational analyses, scenarios and alternative futures, strategic intentions, recognition of critical factors, and redefinition of strategic paths; organizational reconstruction: focuses, methods, and conduction of innovation processes. The practice of novelty: development and management of new ideas. Change management skills; performance analysis: added value (social and economic), quality and innovation in the work process; efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness indicators.
Planning of Public Organizations
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
Strategic reflection: mission, values, and alternative visions; strategic reformulation tools: strategic dialogue, environmental and organizational analyses, scenarios and alternative futures, strategic intentions, recognition of critical factors, and redefinition of strategic paths; organizational reconstruction: focuses, methods, and conduction of innovation processes. The practice of novelty: development and management of new ideas. Change management skills; performance analysis: added value (social and economic), quality and innovation in the work process; efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness indicators.
Defense and Military Organization Policies
Research Line:
Public Policy
Formulation, execution, and performance of the defense policy – a governmental policy that seeks peace in acceptable terms and has the Armed Forces as its means. Armed Forces, its organization, resources, quality, and effectiveness: international experience and Brazilian experience. Civil-military relations and implementation of defense policy. The institutional apparatus and the culture of national security. The determinants of military doctrines. The sources of military innovation. Military effectiveness.
Public Policies and Population
Research Line:
Public Policy
The course aims to equip the student with theories, techniques and information that can support the process of formulating and evaluating public policies under a new demographic paradigm with a low population growth rate. The course presents and discusses demographic indicators that can support the process of formulating and monitoring sectoral policies. Brazilian demographic dynamics. Demographic indicators for public policies. Analysis of demographic components in some sectoral policies.
Evidence-based Public Policy
Research Line:
Public Policy
The course discusses how to use data to identify public problems, qualify them, and assess policy effectiveness in different areas of the public sector. The course is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on methodological aspects to discuss how evidence can subsidize all stages of the public policy cycle, making the connection between the public policy cycle and the policy evaluation methodology. The second part of the course consists of discussing case studies on education, health, security, income distribution that exemplify how identifying needs and policy design and implementation can be guided by information and how this allows us to evaluate effectiveness.
Evidence-based Public Policy
Research Line:
Public Policy
The course discusses how to use data to identify public problems, qualify them, and assess policy effectiveness in different areas of the public sector. The course is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on methodological aspects to discuss how evidence can subsidize all stages of the public policy cycle, making the connection between the public policy cycle and the policy evaluation methodology. The second part of the course consists of discussing case studies on education, health, security, income distribution that exemplify how identifying needs and policy design and implementation can be guided by information and how this allows us to evaluate effectiveness.
Regulatory policies
Research Line:
Public Policy
Institutions are understood as intertemporal systems of formal or informal rules and procedures that restrict opportunistic behaviors or encourage cooperative actions by political and economic actors. Institutions fulfill the function of ‘rules of the game’ in societies. They reduce uncertainties by offering predictability and stabilizing social interrelationships and the policy-making process. The process by which policies are discussed, approved, and implemented significantly impacts the quality of public policies, especially on the ability of political actors to provide a stable environment, modify them when necessary, and implement and make them effective. The processes of formulating and implementing policies are very complex, due to the multiplicity of actors involved with different degrees of power, different time horizons and incentives, the variety of scenarios in which they operate, and the great diversity of rules that influence their behavior.
Brazilian political system: institutions and public policies
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
The course introduces the conceptualization and general lines of operation of the Brazilian political system. The lessons will emphasize the following institutions: the electoral system, the party system, the government system (presidentialism), the Executive branch, the public administration, the Legislative branch, the Federation, and the Judiciary. In addition, issues related to political reform and the financing of electoral campaigns will be studied. Two types of public policies will also be addressed: social policies and foreign policy.
Brazilian political system: institutions and public policies
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration
The course introduces the conceptualization and general lines of operation of the Brazilian political system. The lessons will emphasize the following institutions: the electoral system, the party system, the government system (presidentialism), the Executive branch, the public administration, the Legislative branch, the Federation, and the Judiciary. In addition, issues related to political reform and the financing of electoral campaigns will be studied. Two types of public policies will also be addressed: social policies and foreign policy.
Research Methodology
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration / Public Policy - mandatory
Information sources for management research; importance of scientific research; purposes of management research; human research and science; research purpose; knowledge claims; research strategies; script of a research project; the process of writing; traditional scientific model; theories and paradigms; quantitative x qualitative research; the nature of causality; critical reasoning; conceptualization and measurement; operationalization; reliability and validity; generalization and triangulation; measurement scales; construction of scales; time dimension of investigations; measurements; quantitative methods in administration research; generalization and triangulation; questionnaire construction; surveys and interviews; indexes and scales; non-obtrusive investigation; qualitative methods in research; case study; grounded theory and qualitative data analysis.
Qualitative Methods
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration/Public policies - elective
The importance of the methods of qualitative research in the construction of knowledge. The nature and characteristics of qualitative research. Quality and quantity of data. An interpretive model of analysis. Methods and instruments forqualitative data analysis and collection. The production of meaning from thedata. Writing the final paper.
Quantitative Methods Applied to Decision-Making in the Public Sector
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration / Public Policy - elective
This course aims to enable students to identify and apply appropriate statistical tools to achieve the objectives of scientific research. The course emphasizes the connection between the research question and the statistical modeling process. Its scope includes statistical inference techniques applicable to quantitative and qualitative variables. In addition to having contact with the theoretical development of techniques, students will be involved in practical applications using spreadsheets (Excel), statistical software (SPSS), and databases.
Mandatory choice
In-depth Case Study – EAC
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration / Public Policy
Presentation of the case study method, comparing it with other research methods. Typologies of case studies. Components of a case study. Methodological structure and tests associated with the case study method. Construction validation. Internal validation. External validation. Reliability. The stages of preparing case studies as scientific pieces. The purpose of the course is to assist students in the development of skills related to the design, development, elaboration, and communication of research based on the case study method. It also allows students to develop critical skills in evaluating articles that use the case study method. The course will be taught to students of the Professional Master in Public Administration. Master’s students are expected to produce case study projects to help them with their final papers. Although most of the texts deal with case studies related to the area of Information Management (lato sensu), the course discusses concepts and practices useful to case studies related to any area of Public Management.
Analysis of Organizations and Public Policies – AOPP
Research Line:
Governance and Public Administration / Public Policy
In this course, students complete a study on policies or public administration. Thus, we seek to apply theories and approaches acquired throughout the course to a practical problem. Students must identify a problem related to policies or public administration, define the problem(s), organize the data, and conduct the appropriate analysis to offer recommendations of action and intervention, synthesized in a final report. The methodologies employed are action research and other dynamics of organizational insertion.
Students may also opt for an ex-ante or ex-post evaluation of a particular policy or public program (and their regulatory alternatives), using quantitative and qualitative analysis methods and preferably exploring government and public databases or participating in public consultation processes. In addition to the final report, students will be encouraged to present or register their work through other forms of communication and media, such as public hearings, DVD production, dissemination seminars, interviews, or opinion articles.