Articles, dissertations and thesis


Articles, dissertations and thesis

Shared knowledge

FGV EBAPE counts on a faculty of excellence, with scholars renowned for their academic production. The school has won national and international awards regarding knowledge production, showing the relevance of the studies produced in several areas. 

Research produced in FGV EBAPE has been published in leading scientific journals worldwide and has contributed to the development of Brazil and other countries. 

In addition to encouraging student research and publication, FGV EBAPE has seven applied research centers responsible for generating knowledge in the areas of Consumer Behavior, Finance, People Management, Educational Policies, Accounting and Data Analysis, and Competitiveness and Innovation. 

Dissertations and Thesis

Faculty research


Piercing through Opacity: Relationships and Credit Card Lending to Consumers and Small Businesses during Normal Times and the COVID-19 Crisis

BERGER, ALLEN N.; BOUWMAN, CHRISTA H.S.; NORDEN, LARS; ROMAN, RALUCA A.; UDELL, GREGORY F.; WANG, TENG. Piercing through Opacity: Relationships and Credit Card Lending to Consumers and Small Businesses during Normal Times and the COVID-19 Crisis. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 2023.

The benefits of nonprofit reputation: Government funding, nonprofit performance, and nonprofit reputational gains.

Menezes, Aline Brêtas de; Peci, Alketa. The benefits of nonprofit reputation: Government funding, nonprofit performance, and nonprofit reputational gains. Public Administration Review, 2023.

Following Community Norms or an Internal Compass? The Role of Prospective Leaders’ Social Category Membership in the Differential Effects of Authentic and Ethical Leadership on Stereotype Threat.

Lagowska U., Sobral F., Jacob J., Hafenbrack AC., Goldszmidt R. Following community norms or an internal compass? The role of prospective leaders' social category membership in the differential effects of authentic and ethical leadership on stereotype threat. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2023.

Credit Default Swaps and Firm Cyclicality.

Norden L., Yin C., Zhao L. Credit Default Swaps and Firm Cyclicality. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2023.

Promoting more equitable taxation: Can civic actors help?

De Renzio, Paolo. Promoting more equitable taxation: Can civic actors help?. Governance, 2023.


Regulatory reforms, normative changes, and performance: Evidence from the electricity sector in Latin America (Regulation & Governance)

GONZÁLEZ, CAMILO IGNACIO; PECI, ALKETA. Regulatory reforms, normative changes, and performance: Evidence from the electricity sector in Latin America. Regulation & Governance, v. 1, p. 1-18, 2022.

The benefits of cognitive style versatility for collaborative work. (Journal Of Applied Psychology)

AGGARWAL, ISHANI; SCHILPZAND, MARIEKE C.; MARTINS, LUIS L.; WOOLLEY, ANITA WILLIAMS; MOLINARO, MARCO. The benefits of cognitive style versatility for collaborative work. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, v. 1, p. 1, 2022.

Joint effects of shared and transformational leadership on performance in street-level bureaucracies: evidence from the educational sector (Public Administration Review)

LAGOWSKA U.; SOBRAL, F.; TAVARES, G. Joint effects of shared and transformational leadership on performance in street-level bureaucracies: evidence from the educational sector. Public Administration Review, [s. l.], 27 May 2022. DOI:

Expected SES-Based discrimination reduces price sensitivity among the poor (Journal of Marketing Research)

JACOB, J.; VIEITES, Y.; GOLDSZMIDT, R.; ANDRADE, E. B. Expected SES-Based discrimination reduces price sensitivity among the poor. Journal of Marketing Research, [s. l.], May 2022. DOI: 10.1177/00222437221097100


To blow the whistle in Brazil: The impact of gender and public service motivation (Regulation & Governance)

TAVARES, GUSTAVO M. ; LIMA, FABIANA V. ; MICHENER, GREGORY . To blow the whistle in Brazil: The impact of gender and public service motivation. Regulation & Governance, v. 1, p. rego.12418, 2021.

Exposing the Unfinished Business of Building Public Administration in Late Democracies: Lessons from the COVID -19 Response in Brazil (Public Administration Review)

PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; BERMAN, EVAN M. . Exposing the Unfinished Business of Building Public Administration in Late Democracies: Lessons from the COVID -19 Response in Brazil. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW, v. 81, p. 1183-1191, 2021.

Venture distress and problemistic search among entrepreneurs in Brazilian favelas (Journal of Business Venturing)

LENZ, A. K. ; SUTTER, C. ; GOLDSZMIDT, RAFAEL ; ZUCCO JR, C. . Venture distress and problemistic search among entrepreneurs in Brazilian favelas. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS VENTURING, v. 36, p. 106162, 2021.

Agencies in the news? Public agencies' media evaluations in a low-trust context (Governance)

PECI, ALKETA. Agencies in the news? Public agencies' media evaluations in a low-trust context. GOVERNANCE-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLICY ADMINISTRATION AND INSTITUTIONS, v. 16, p. gove.12579-16, 2021.

Social class shapes donation allocation preferences (Journal of Consumer Research)

VIEITES, Yan; GOLDSZMIDT, Rafael; ANDRADE, Eduardo B. Social class shapes donation allocation preferences. Journal of Consumer Research, Oxford, ucab033, 17 mai. 2021. Disponível em:

MNE host-country alliance network position and post-entry establishment mode choice (Journal of International Business Studies)

ZHAO, Yue et al. MNE host-country alliance network position and post-entry establishment mode choice. Journal of International Business Studies, [S. l.], 15 mar. 2021. Disponível em:

Commitment to public values, charismatic leadership attributions, and employee turnover in street-level bureaucracies (Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory)

TAVARES, Gustavo M.; SOBRAL, Filipe; WRIGHT, Bradley E. Commitment to public values, charismatic leadership attributions, and employee turnover in street-level bureaucracies. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Oxford, v. 20, n. 20, p. 1-19, 21 jan. 2021. Disponível em:


Are firms with foreign CEOs better citizens? A study of the impact of CEO foreignness on corporate social performance. (Journal of International Business Studies)

Bertrand, O., Betschinger, MA.; Moschieri, C. Are firms with foreign CEOs better citizens? A study of the impact of CEO foreignness on corporate social performance. Journal of International Business Studies (2020), [s.l.], 20 nov. 2020. DOI:

Quo Vadis? Career paths of Brazilian regulators. (Regulantion & Governance)

PECI, Alketa; SANTOS, A. M.; ARAÚJO, B. C. P. O. Quo Vadis? Career paths of Brazilian regulators. Regulation & Governance, [s. l.],  27 jul. 2020. DOI:

Public sector organizations and agricultural catch-up dilemma in emerging markets: the orchestrating role of Embrapa in Brazil. (Journal of International Business Studies)

PARENTE, R.; MELO, M.; ANDREWS, D.; KUMARASWAMY, A.; VASCONCELOS, F. Public sector organizations and agricultural catch-up dilemma in emerging markets: the orchestrating role of Embrapa in Brazil. Journal of International Business Studies, [s. l.],  21 abr. 2020. DOI:

Transmodernizing Management Historiographies of Consumerism for the Majority. (Journal of Business Ethics)

FARIA, Alexandre de A..; HEMAIS, M. W. Transmodernizing Management Historiographies of Consumerism for the Majority. Journal of Business Ethics, [s. l.],  09 maio 2020. DOI:

The role of interactive learning in innovation capability building in multinational subsidiaries: A micro-level study of biotechnology in Brazil

FIGUEIREDO, Paulo N.; LARSEN, Henrik; HANSEN, Ulrich E. The role of interactive learning in innovation capability building in multinational subsidiaries: a micro-level study of biotechnology in Brazil. Research Policy, [s. l.], v.49, n.6, p. 1-16, 2020. DOI:


Out of sight, out of mind: usage frequency considerations in purchase decisions. (Journal of Consumer Psychology)

MITTELMAN, Mauricio; GONÇALVES, Dilney; ANDRADE, Eduardo B. Out of sight, out of mind: usage frequency considerations in purchase decisions. Journal of Consumer Psychology, [s. l.], p. 1-8, 2019. DOI:

The Influence of Arbitrary Breakpoints on Judgments of Maximum Output (Journal of Consumer Psychology)

PALMEIRA, M., ANDRADE, E., SHARIFI, S., MAO, W.; JACOB, J, The Influence of Arbitrary Breakpoints on Judgments of Maximum Output. Journal of Consumer Psychology, p. 1-17, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/jcpy.1150

Political interference and regulatory resilience in Brazil (Regulation & Governance)

CORREA, P.; MELO, M.; MUELLER, B.; PEREIRA, C. Political interference and regulatory resilience in Brazil. Regulation & Governance, v. 13: p. 540-560, 2019. DOI:10.1111/rego.12274

Explaining early entry into path-creation technological catch-up in the forestry and pulp industry: Evidence from Brazil (Research Policy)

FIGUEIREDO, Paulo N.; COHEN, Marcela. Explaining early entry into path-creation technological catch-up in the forestry and pulp industry: evidence from Brazil. Research Policy, [s. l.], v. 48, n. 7, p. 1694-1713, set. 2019. DOI:

Financial Incentives and Loan Officer Behavior: Multitasking and Allocation of Effort under an Incomplete Contract. (Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis)

BEHR, Patrick; DREXLER, Alejandro; GROPP, Reint; GUETTLER, Andre. Financial incentives and loan officer behavior: multitasking and allocation of effort under an incomplete contract. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, [s. l.], 13 nov. 2015.

Googling the requester: identity-questing and discrimination in public service provision. (Governance)

MICHENER, Gregory; VELASCO, Rafael B.; CONTRERAS, Evelyn; RODRIGUES, Karina F. Googling the requester: identity-questing and discrimination in public service provision. Governance, [s. l.], p. 1-19, 2019. DOI:


A ratings pattern heuristic in judgments of expertise: when being right looks wrong (Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes)

SPASSOVA, Gerri; PALMEIRA, Mauricio; ANDRADE Eduardo B. A ratings pattern heuristic in judgments of expertise: when being right looks wrong. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, [s. l.], v. 147, p. 26-47, 2018.

Gauging the impact of transparency policies (Public Administration Review)

MICHENER, Gregory. Gauging the impact of transparency policies. Public Administration Review, [s. l.], v. 79, n. 1, p. 136-139, jan./ fev. 2018.

From Slum Tourism to Smiley Selfies: The Role of Social Identity Strength… (Journal of Consumer Psychology)

SCHUCKMANN, J. V. ; BARROS, L. S. G. ; DIAS, R. ; ANDRADE, E. B. . From Slum Tourism to Smiley Selfies: The Role of Social Identity Strength in the Consumption of Morally Ambiguous Experiences. JOURNAL OF CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY, 2018

Pork is policy: Dissipative inclusion at the local level (Governance)

Bertholini, F. ; Pereira, Carlos ; RENNÓ, Lúcio . Pork is policy: Dissipative inclusion at the local level. GOVERNANCE-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLICY ADMINISTRATION AND INSTITUTIONS, 2018

Team Creativity, Cognition, and Cognitive Style Diversity (Management Science)

AGGARWAL, I. ; WOOLLEY, A. W. Team Creativity, Cognition, and Cognitive Style Diversity. MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2018


Paradoxical relationships between cultural norms of particularism and attitudes toward relational favoritism: a cultural reflectivity perspective (Journal of Business Ethics)

CHEN, Chao C.; GASPAR, Joseph P.; FRIEDMAN, Ray; NEWBURRY, William; NIPPA, Michael C.; XIN, Katherine; PARENTE, Ronaldo. Paradoxical relationships between cultural norms of particularism and attitudes toward relational favoritism: a cultural reflectivity perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, [s. l.], v. 145, n. 1, p. 63-79, set. 2017.

Strategic information transmission in peer-to-peer lending markets (Journal of Marketing)


The Pathways That Make New Public Employees Committed... (Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory)

Sobral, Filipe; FURTADO, LILIANE ; ISLAM, GAZI . The Pathways That Make New Public Employees Committed: A Dual-Process Model Triggered by Newcomer Learning. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND THEORY, 2017.


The role of brand image and product characteristics on firms’ entry and OEM decisions (Management Science)

CALDIERARO, Fabio. The role of brand image and product characteristics on firms’ entry and OEM decisions. Management Science, Maryland, v. 62, n. 11, p. 3327-3350, nov. 2016.

Did Government Regulations Lead to Inflated Credit Ratings? (Management Science)

Behr, Patrick; KISGEN, D. ; TAILLARD, J. . Did Government Regulations Lead to Inflated Credit Ratings?. Management Science, 2016

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