Research Topics in Administration
Os Research Topics in Administration promovem o debate de pesquisas de alta qualidade em Gestão e Administração Pública. Pesquisadores apresentam um working paper ou um artigo recentemente publicado, discutindo o tema com os participantes: membros do corpo docente, alunos de Doutorado e Mestrado.
Eles são obrigatórios para os mestrandos no primeiro ano de curso e para o doutorandos nos 2 primeiros anos do curso, também ficando abertos ao público externo. Neste caso, é necessário inscrever-se previamente pelo site, pois há limite de vagas.
Confira as disciplinas dos Research Topics in Administration:
Prof. Lars Norden - Coordenação
1º Trimestre
05/02 | Temple University | The pressure to go long: Analyst scrutiny and R&D strategy? | |
12/02 10h | Cardiff University | Heterogeneity in Investor Reaction to Foreign ESG Incidents | |
19/02 10h | INSPER | Non-Exclusive Loan Contracts under Selective Default: Implications and Evidence from the Credit Cards Market | |
26/02 | Kellogg School of Management | Temperature, Adaptation and Local Industry Concentration | |
12/03 10h | Javier Corrales | Amherst College | TBD |
19/03 | London School of Economics | TBD |
Eventos anteriores
24/01/2024 | Finanças | |
21/02/2024 | Ciências Comportamentais e de Tomada de Decisão | |
06/03/2024 | Daniela Campello, | Instituições, Políticas e Governo |
20/03/2024 | Estratégia, Gestão e Organizações (Track 1) | |
27/03/2024 | Filipe Sobral, | Estratégia, Gestão e Organizações (Track 2) |
17/04/2024 | Jorge Jacob | Behavioral consequences of discrimination for consumers and marketers |
22/05/2024 | Joana Monteiro | Motorized and More Motivated? Militarized Patrols and Crime in Ceará, Brazil |
29/05/2024 | Emilie Feldman | Stakeholder Synergies in Mergers and Acquisitions |
05/06/2024 | Gustavo Cortes | From Arm's Length to Arm in Arm: Banks and Municipal Bond Financing |
12/06/2024 | Daniel Berliner | Information Processing in Participatory Governance |
19/06/2024 | Bernardo Andretti | Environmental Sustainability Considerations (or Lack Thereof) in Consumer Decision Making |
31/07/2024 | Arthur Bragança | Decentralization, Tax Administration, and Taxation: Evidence from Brazil’s Rural Land Tax |
07/08/2024 | Karine Belarmino | Clients of God |
28/08/2024 | Thad Dunning | Slavery, State Capacity, and Institutional Change |
11/09/2024 | Leandro Nardi | Diversity and/or Equity? Evidence from Disability Laws in Brazil |
25/09/2024 | Janet Gao | Acess to financing and racial pay gap inside firms |
16/10/2024 10h | Banco da Reserva Federal de Atlanta | Zombie Lending to U.S. Firms |
23/10/2024 10h | Fundação Dom Cabral | Brasil, um país de privilégios |
30/10/2024 | Malu Gatto (University College London) & Debora Thomé (FGV-EAESP) | Not all families: The impact of election-driven family conflicts on LGB voters |
13/11/2024 | Jessica Rich (Marquette University) | What Makes Bureaucracies Politically Resilient? Evidence from Brazil’s Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign |
27/11/2024 | Ivan Silva (UNIFAP) | Challenges for the establishment of the environmental agenda in the Brazilian Legal Amazon |
12/12/2024 10h | Belen Milmanda (Trinity College) | Agrarian Elites and Democracy in Latin Americ |
01/01 10h | Johann Cas (ITA-ÖAW) | “Artificial intelligence” and social sustainability – does ethics of artificial intelligence as a global challenge also need global answers? |
01/02 10h | Abhishek Borah (INSEAD) | Myopic Price Promotions in IPOs: Evidence from Ride-Hailing Platforms |
01/03 10h | Kai Wegrich (Hertie School) | The politics of experimental policymaking |
22/03 10h | Daniel Lacerda (Montpellier Business School) | Teaching Critical Management in the age of chatGPT: reflecting on the opportunity to promote civic management education |
29/03 10h | Fernanda Sauerbronn (UFRJ) | Approaching a Decolonial Stance: conceptual and methodological issues |
26/04 10h | Liliane Furtado (Coppead-UFRJ) | In the Leader’s Stead: The Role of Surrogates in Shaping Leader-Member Exchange Differentiation in Teams |
17/05 10h | Nimruji Jammulamadaka (IIM Calcutta) | Reinterpreting Indigenous Organising from the South Asian Ardhanari Androgyne metaphor |
24/05 10h | Diego Coraiola (University of Victoria) | Ties That Bind: How do U.S. Universities Manage Past Slavery Entanglements? |
07/06 10h | Shaun Ruggunan (Zulu Natal University) | Decolonising Management Studies: A Love Story |
14/06 10h | Angela Dy (Loughborough University) | 10 Principles for Anti-Racist Entrepreneurship Scholarship |
02/08 10h | Sanjay Lanka University of Northampton | A critique of the Anthropocene using the Capitalocene/Plantationocene |
11/08 10h | Kurt Weyland The University of Texas at Austin | Democracy's Resilience to Populism's Threat |
23/08 10h | Marcus Vinicius Gomes University of Cardiff | Building an International Career as a Critical Scholar |
30/08 10h | Nidhi Srinivas The New School | Against NGOs: A critical perspective on civil society, management and development |
13/09 10h | Denise Barros UFF | Victory through Conquest in 1960’s Brazil: Business Interest Associations, Moral Panic, and Policy-Making |
5/10 10h | Marcela Mandiola Instituto de Estudios Críticos | Managed gender: feminist readings and critiques of the "organization" of violence and power in academic work |
08/11 10h | Marco Wilkens University of Augsburg | The Impact of Sustainable Investment Funds – What we (don’t ) know |
22/11 10h | Hèla Yousfi Université Paris-Dauphine | Decolonizing Arab organizational Knowledge, Fahlwa as a research practice. |
13/12 10h | Juan Felipe Espinosa Universidad Santa María | The social life of innovation: a pragmatic look at knowledge production practices in the consulting world |
20/12 10h | Pushkala Prasad Skidmore College | Understanding Global Economic Patterns Through the Lens of Racial Capitalism |
22/12 14h | Beverly Larson Arizona State University | Do Audit Firms use Twitter Strategically |
January 12 | Leonardo Barcellos Emory University | Can Investors See Through Managers’ Evasive Responses in Earnings Calls Join Zoom Meeting |
January 19 | Gabriel Vasconcelos BOCOM BBM Bank | Managers Versus Machines: Do Algorithms Replicate Human Intuition In Credit Ratings? |
January 26 10am | Prof. Tobias Berg Frankfurt School of Finance and Management | On the Rise of Payment Firms |
February 16 10am | Prof. Christian Schuster University College London | Bureaucrats hired through connections are more dishonest and less pro-social: behavioural evidence from 5,000 bureaucrats in four countries |
March 09 10am | Prof. Anita Woolley Carnegie Mellon University | Collective attention and collective intelligence: The role of hierarchy and group gender composition |
March 16 10am | Prof. Guillermo Toral Vanderbilt University | Political bureaucratic cycles: Public employment and service delivery around elections in Brazil. |
May 04 10am | Profa. Debora Thompson Georgetown University | Zero-Sum Perceptions and the Moral Acceptability of Premium Services |
May 11 10a | Profa. France BélangerVirginia Tech | Context Versus Rationality: Understanding Family Privacy and Technology Use Decisions |
May 18 10am | Prof. Robert Davison City University of Hong Kong | Publishing in International Journals |
May 25 10am | Prof. Vasso Ioannidou City University of London | Corporate Pension Risk-Taking in a Low Interest Rate Environment |
June 01 10am | Marcelo Guzella FGV EBAPE | How Venture Capital Network Features and National Distances Affect Impact Investing |
July 27 10am | Prof. Marina Gama FGV EAESP | From political ties to nonprofit connections? The strategic reconfiguration of cross-sector interactions |
August 17 10am | Prof. Rodrigo Leite COPPEAD/UFRJ | Competition and Efficiency in Procurement Auctions: Evidence from a million Brazilian auctions |
September 13 10am | Prof. Lily Morse West Virginia University | “You don’t want to do that”: Economic self-sacrifice as enlightened self-interest |
September 14 10am | Prof. Sara Heller University of Michigan | Predicting and Preventing Gun Violence: Experimental Evidence from READI Chicago |
September 21 10am | Prof. Susannah Paletz University of Maryland | There is No ‘AI’ in Teams: A Multidisciplinary Framework for AIs to Work in Human Teams |
October 19 10am | Mariana Carvalho Barbosa University of California, San Diego | The Political Economy of Assassinations |
November 11 9am | Robert Davison City University of Hong Kong | Action Research for Business Research |
November 23 10am | Geraldo Cerqueiro Católica-Lisbon | Priced-out: Affordable Housing and Labor Markets |
December 07 10am | Renata Peregrino de Brito PUC-Rio | Microentrepreneurship in Brazil: Mind the Gap |
December14 10am | Liliane Furtado COPPEAD | What Works for Me Does Not Work For Us: Exploring the Mechanisms of the LMX Differentiation Process on Performance |
February 03 | Diana Bonfim Bank of Portugal | Growing SMEs: The sensitivity of investment and employment to the cost of debt financing |
February 10 | Luciana de Souza Leão University of Michigan | Optics of the State: The Politics of Making Poverty Visible in Brazil and Mexico |
February 24 | Joana Monteiro FGV EBAPE | Measuring expansion of armed groups in Rio de Janeiro |
March 10 | Cecilia Machado FGV EPGE | How and When: Cash and Care Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers on Birth Outcome |
March 17 | Diana Moreira UC Davis | Political Turnover, Bureaucratic Turnover, and the Quality of Public Services |
April 14 10am | Theresa Pardo University at Albany, State University of New York | Creating Public Value in Cities: A Call for Focus on Context and Capability |
April 28 10am | Leonardo Marques UFRJ | There is more than meets the eye: An action research of blockchain potential to improve working conditions in fashion |
May 05 10am | Alice Moon The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania | Giving Suggestions: Using Quantity Requests to Increase Donations |
May 19 10am
| Adam Sheingate Johns Hopkins University | Policy Regime Decay |
June 16 10am | Yan Vietes FGV EBAPE | Can Self-Protective Behaviors Increase Unrealistic Optimism? Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic |
August 11 10am | Paulo Jannuzzi IBGE | Statistics and the fight against hunger and poverty: elective affinities that made difference in public policy |
August 25 10am | Sharon Gilad Hebrew University of Jerusalem | An Inductive-Deductive Conceptualization and Operationalization of Citizens’ Coping with Administrative Burdens through Self-Presentation |
September 08 10am | Christa H.S. Bouwman Mays Business School | Texas A&M University | Bank Capital and Bank Stock Performance |
September 15 10am | Kelly LeRoux University of Illinois Chicago | Nonprofit Messaging and the 2020 Election: Findings from a Nonpartisan Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) Field Experiment |
September 22 10am | João Victor Guedes University of Pittsburg | Bureaucratic Polarization |
October 13 10am | Madalina Busuioc Leiden University | Accountable Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector |
October 20 10am | Martin Williams Blavatnik School of Government | Bureaucratic Networks and Appointments: Evidence from Brazil |
November 03 10am | Minah Jung Stern New York University | When willingness-to-pay seems irrational: The role of perceived market price |
November 10 10am | Zheng Gong University of Toronto | Growing Influence |
November 17 10am | Mauricio Ivan Dussauge Laguna CIDE/Mexico | The promises and perils of populism for democratic policymaking: The Case of Mexico |
December 12 10am | Leonardo Barcellos Emory University | Can Investors See Through Managers’ Evasive Responses in Earnings Calls Join Zoom Meeting |
December 19 10am | Gabriel Vasconcelos BOCOM BBM Bank | Managers Versus Machines: Do Algorithms Replicate Human Intuition In Credit Ratings? |
December 26 10am | Prof. Tobias Berg Frankfurt School of Finance and Management | On the Rise of Payment Firms |
February 12 | Prof. Christian Schuster University College London | Bureaucrats hired through connections are more dishonest and less pro-social: behavioural evidence from 5,000 bureaucrats in four countries |
March 09 | Prof. Anita Woolley [Text Wrapping Break]Carnegie Mellon University | Collective attention and collective intelligence: The role of hierarchy and group gender composition* |
March 16 | Prof. Guillermo Toral [Text Wrapping Break]Vanderbilt University | Political bureaucratic cycles: Public employment and service delivery around elections in Brazil. |
January 20 | Bank loan forbearance: evidence from a million restructured loans | |
February 05 | Bernardo de Oliveira Guerra Ricca[Text Wrapping Break]INSPER | Procurement payment periods and political contributions: evidence from Brazilian municipalities |
February 12 | Toward Understanding the State at the Street: How Street-Level Organizations Matter. | |
March 03 | Sovereign Credit Risk, Financial Fragility, and Global Factors | |
March 11 | Robustness in Mechanism Design | |
May 20 | Close Enough to Make a Difference? The Differential Effects of Authentic and Ethical Leadership on Alleviating Social Identity Threat | |
May 27 | Banks’ Balance Sheet Management as a Bargaining Tool: Evidence from Union Strikes | |
June 03 | The Heterogeneous Effects of Temporary Deferrals on Donation Behavior in Brazil | |
June 10 | The Resource-Based Paradox Of Impact-Oriented Strategies: A Study In The Context Of Microcredit | |
June 17 | Labor Market Effects of a Credit Crunch | |
July 22 | Abhishek Borah [Text Wrapping Break]INSEAD | When Veblen Meets Big Data: A Search-Based Index of Brand Conspicuousness |
July 29 | Gustavo Moreira IFRJ | Blowing the Whistle in Brazil: The Prevalence of Wrongdoing, Whistleblowing, Retaliation and the Role of Gender |
August 12 | Mauro Guillen Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania | Research Opportunities in a Pandemic |
August 26 | David Schoenherr Princeton University | Spatial Mobility and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Credit Lotteries |
September 16 | Carmelo Cennamo Copenhagen Business School | Market Architectural Shift: The Impact of Digital Platforms on Incumbent Firms and The Role of Asset Ownership |
September 23 | Antonio Pedro Ramos UCLA | Effects of Randomized Corruption Audits on Early-Life Mortality in Brazil |
October 14 | Dietmar Leisen Gutenberg University in Mainz | When the remedy is the problem: Risk governance in independent bank boards |
November 11 | Janis Skrastins Washington University in St. Louis | Court Quality and Economic Resilience |
November 18 | Mariana Borges Oxford | Weapons of clients: why voters support bad patrons? Ethnographic Evidence from Rural Brazil |
December 09 | Martin Valdivia GRADE | Nudging micro entrepreneurs into formalization under the gang rule: Experimental evidence from Urban Brazil |
December 11 | Cait Lamberton Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania | Introducing System Zero: The Drive for Marketplace Dignity |
December 16 | Gustavo Cesário Marketing Professor at UniCarioca | The sousveillance of politically connected entities and individuals in the public sector: an armchair audit approach of related party transactions |